This season we’ll attend 5 tournaments, hold 3 practice weekends, and have no obligations any other weekends.
A practice weekend is an intense “on” weekend with three practices. This imitates and prepares us for the physical demands of tournaments, and lets us have long continuous blocks of scrimmaging and practice to develop and improve.
A practice weekend looks like:
- 1st practice late Saturday AM (allows time for travel)
- break for lunch
- 2nd practice Saturday afternoon
- break (either stay on site or go home)
- 3rd practice early Sunday AM
- leave Sunday at/before noon
The other 8 weekends of the summer are completely free of ultimate obligations. This compresses a bunch of our practice time down to just three weekends, and frees up all the other weekends to travel, enjoy the weather, pursue oThEr HoBbIeS and spend time with OtHeR fRiEnDs.
Weekly practice
During the week, we’ll have:
- one team practice Thursday night ~6:15-9:00 (location TBD)
- one pod workout (locations/times TBD - you’ll choose which option works best for you and always attend that one)
- one prescribed track workout (location/time TBD - or you can run it on your own)
For two weeks in September, we’ll swap the pod workouts for additional weeknight team practices to gear up for the post season.
Weekend practice schedule
(All weekends not listed are off.)
- 17-18 practice weekend #1 (on Vashon Island - team lodging)
- 24-25 Summer Solstice (Eugene, OR)
- 8-9 practice weekend #2 (in Seattle - no lodging)
- 15-16 Boston Invite (Devens, MA)
- 29-30 practice weekend #3 (location TBD)
- 19-20 Ski Town Classic (Salt Lake City, UT)
- 9-10 WA Sectionals (Burlington, WA)
- 23-24 NW Regionals